COACH BioEnergy
o-financed by the Central Europe programme the project Coach BioEnergy aimed at promoting the sustainable energy-related use of biomass in Central Europe. 18 different organisations from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Germany and Austria – supported by two Ukrainian institutions – worked together during the 36-month-project to develop and gather the most recent research results concerning the environmental, economic and social aspects of biomass utilisation.
During the project the production of biomass, technologies of energetic transformation, logistics and transportation as well as waste utilisation have been assessed on basis of life-cyle-analyses. All project results are accessible via a so-called ‘virtual net’.
In the participating countries regional consultancy bureaus were responsible for disseminating the information and consulting local stakeholders on how to make the best use of biomass sources.
The overall goals of the Coach BioEnergy project were to:
- foster innovative and sustainable activities in the fields of biomass utilisation
- strengthen transnational cooperation structures
- improve the wealth of the region through job creation related to biomass utilisation
Target Group
The project’s target groups were public bodies, local and regional decision makers, farmers and producers of biomass as well as persons and organisations of the consultancy business. They will use the information and the network structures provided by the project to get a sound orientation for implementing innovative business projects, developing policies and spreading knowledge.
Besides the support of project and proposal preparation EPC conducted the project´s communication management. In addition, EPC supported both the development of the marketing strategy and the project management.
Project duration
January 2009 – December 2011
The Project consortium
- Fraunhofer MOEZ, D
- EC Brec – Institute for Fuels and Renewable Energy, PL
- Szent Istvan University, HU
- Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum, D
- VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, CZ
- University of Warmia and Mazury Olsztyn, PL
- Technical University in Zvolen, SLO
- CHIC – Central Hungarian Innovation Centre, HU
- Energia Klub, HU
- EEE Güssing GmbH, A
- C.A.R.M.E.N. e.V., D
- Lviv State Centre of Scientific, Technical and Economic Information, UA
Funding information
Resource efficiency Biobased economyEPC newsletter
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