Dialogue Climate Adaptation: Berlin – Budapest
The current and particularly the forecasted consequences of climate change in the form of major heat and flood risks provide the basis and motivation for a dialogue project between the metropolises Berlin and Budapest. By means of a practice-oriented supervision and consultation by the Berlin partners, the municipality of the IXth district as well as other stakeholders in Budapest are facilitated in the process of designing an exemplary concept of adapting to the consequences of climate change.
The global change in climate implicates comprehensive, region specific changes, and also the Hungarian capital of Budapest is facing big challenges. The continuously observed increase in the average temperature in combination with a high degree of (soil) sealing and stronger solar radiation especially causes the so-called heat island effect of densely populated urban areas, which requires effective adaptation measures.
The dialogue project climate adaption: Berlin – Budapest serves as an active consultation of the municipality of the IXth district of Budapest by designing an exemplary and practice-oriented climate adaptation concept. In the process, the local responsible planners and decision makers as well as other relevant stakeholders play a crucial role. In narrow exchange between science and practice, climate adaptation measures and instruments specifically tailored to the region are developed. The aim of the project is to design a technically sound concept of climate adaptation, that is also relevant to implementation. It will be based upon the already existing experiences, concepts and examples from Germany and international contexts, as well as upon previous strategies, concepts and measures from Hungary.
The dialogue project is particularly accommodating the local requirements, conditions and experiences. Based on the consultancy by EPC and the University of Technology of Berlin and on the transfer of individual tasks to the German partner, the essential decisions on structure and contents of the concept lie with the district municipality and with the Hungarian partners.
An essential project result is the concept for the development and implementation of measures for climate adaptation in urban areas, that is transferrable to other districts of Budapest. Medium to long term, the approach to the development of such a climate adaptation concept and its structure should be pioneering for other urban areas in Hungary.
You can download the practical guide in Hungarian and English.
The Hungarian action guide can be found on the website of the project partner Energiaklub.
The English guide can be downloaded here.
Project duration
December 2018 – February 2021
Dr. Ulrich Eimer
Katja Weibrecht
The Project consortium
- TU Berlin – School VI Planning Building Environment, Department of Landscape Planning and Development
- Energiaklub
- Organic Communications
- EPC – Project Corporation Clima. Sustainability. Communications. mbH (non-profit)
Associated Partner:
Funding information
This project is funded by the German Federal Environment Ministry’s Advisory Assistance Programme (AAP) of environmental protection in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia and other countries neighbouring the European Union. It is supervised by the German Environment Agency. The responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors.

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